Spokane’s freshest rock, for two fun-filled days at CLUB-EDGE this weekend! It was the BATTLE OF THE BANDS; Six of the area’s finest (plus BUTT UGLY, the official “battle opening band”) taking stage for solid guitar-fury, screamin’ leads & enthusiastic audience appeal! All competing for their chance to score prime-opening slot for nationally touring ROYAL BLISS (Club Edge; 11-13)
A big thanks to ALL the bands, none of them ‘sucked’ and that made it hard; The judges definitely had their work cut out, weighing each band’s own strength and weakness, and the crowd had their favorites, too!

L S Diablo wins "the battle"
#1. L S DIABLO …Will be opening for ROYAL BLISS on 11-13!!!
Honorable mentions to BUMP DOOSIE, CRIMSON RESOLVE, and LEVEL ZERO for awesome sets. Everyone came to rock the place, and I would have been happy to have any one of theses bands opening for a number of shows…

Runners' up / VANGAURD

NEXT UP: SUPERSUCKERS @ CLUB-EDGE (SPRAGUE & VISTA) THIS FRIDAY NIGHT, 10-30. I remember watching these all-star punkin’ rock-a-billy blues-dudes opening for FOO FIGHTERS, in San Fran about 15 years ago at the legendary Fillmore and the SMOKED THE NIGHT… Don’t miss this show! LO-DOUGH and good to go, we’ll see you Friday night.
Want to thank ROYAL BLISS for an awesome show at CLUB-EDGE! …You want some pictures?

Playing to a “private party” of Rock listeners who braved the November weather to Rock the night away, we enjoyed opening acts; 33, Character Flaw, and L.S.Di-ablo (Winners of the “battle Of the Bands” two weeks ago, seen below) There were also many “Cameo” appearences by Tanzi and a few of the RACKTOBER CALANDER GIRLS
sharing stage with GEOFF SCOTT as MC’s for the evening. It was a great night of solid wall-to-wall rockin’ and excitement! ROYAL BLISS performed a full set and then asked everybody if they minded if they played a few new songs (Not always a good idea, but this night, the crowd seemed genuinely receptive in the notion) it was good to hear a fresh set.
They also had a NEW CD in tow “STUDIO A” (that isn’t going to be officially released until next week) found one at the merch stand, and bought it, then I turned around to see Taylor standing there “Congratulations, you just bought the VERY FIRST copy of our new CD!” *Bonus prize* it was then promptly whisked backstage to be signed by the entire band. Kewl Beans!
PS: Chris, love the “Dudley Doo-right” you should keep it, bro.