Homecoming Weekend

A BIG “SHOUT OUT” to the vets, the V.A., the Air Force (Fairchild Volunteers) and WPA for an awesome turnout and the largest Foliage Flight in the 19 years Washington Pilots have been doing this incredibly heartfelt event. ( …If you’d like to follow along, see album posted here)… Absolutely LOVE working with the Vets, The Air Force People and the fellow Washingtonian-State Pilots on this event every year.

Down for the count

Down for the count

Then it was off for some well deserved R&R with those fun-loving hotties at THE TORCH. Always a lot of fun in the Lake City; Bikini Bull Riding, Bikini Ice Shots, Bikini Racktober Parties, or, in this case~

Put up yer daisy dukes

Put up yer daisy dukes


(seen here in THE TORCH album)  this would wind up being my last LIVE broadcast for a while, but *hey* it was worth it, and it was great to see our old “Bikini Stubble” winner again. TAKE IT TO THE RING, CARMINE!!!

she'd kick your ass

she'd kick your ass

She is going to RACK IT UP for another crack at the RACKTOBER calander and I would hope for a year of whatever month she lands upon. That’s MY vote!

What month would YOU be? …I’m still kinda partial to Bunny Month ~ but am willing to negotiate. OW* stop hitting me!


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